Veneers – Longmeadow, MA

We Can Make Your Dream Smile a Reality

Woman with beautiful teeth smiling in white shirt

Do you ever find yourself wishing that your teeth were whiter, more symmetrical, or didn’t have noticeable gaps between them? If so, it’s important to know that your dream smile isn’t out of reach. In fact, our talented cosmetic dentists in Longmeadow can enhance the size, shape, and shade of your teeth all at once with veneers! If you want to learn more about this smile-enhancing service, you have two options: you can read on or schedule a consultation with us.

Why Choose Flagship Dental Group for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Top-Rated Dental Office in the Area
  • Multiple Financial Solutions Available
  • Convenient Hours, Including Evenings

What Are Dental Veneers?

Illustration of veneer being placed on bottom tooth

Dental veneers are often referred to as “porcelain veneers” since that’s the most common material used. If that’s the best fit for you, then we will create thin shells of dental porcelain that are about the width of a fingernail. Then, we will bond these veneers directly to your teeth, covering the following dental imperfections in the process:

  • Noticeable gaps
  • Considerable chips
  • Pigmented stains
  • Small cracks
  • Misshapen teeth

The Process of Getting Veneers 

Dentist helping patient pick veneer color

The process of getting veneers usually is spaced out over three appointments. The first is the consultation, which is when we will determine if you’re a candidate and, if you are, solidify the details of your treatment plan. Your second appointment is when we will “prep” your teeth for veneers. At this point, we will carefully remove a sliver of enamel, take impressions for the dental lab, and provide you with temporary veneers. At your third and final appointment, we will remove your temporary veneers, bond your final ones in place, and review how to take great care of them so they last!

The Benefits of Veneers

Woman smiling while holding handheld mirror

Veneers are widely loved because:

  • They can conceal multiple dental flaws
  • The treatment process is usually complete in 2-3 visits
  • They are stain-resistant
  • They can last for well over a decade with proper care
  • They are easy to maintain
  • The size, shape, and shade of each one is completely customizable

Understanding the Cost of Veneers

Dentist showing patient image on tablet

Like the other cosmetic dental services we offer, the price of your smile-transformation will depend entirely on your unique dental needs and smile goals. That’s why we can’t provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost until you come to our Longmeadow office for a consultation! Rest assured, we will be transparent about the price, review all of the financial solutions available, and answer any questions you have at this time.